- n.肩;肩膀;肩胛;…肩膀的
- v.承担;担负;挑;挤
- adj.峰肩的(指航空客运量开始由高峰回落时期等)
- 网络肩宽;肩部;路肩
复数:shoulders 现在分词:shouldering 过去式:shouldered

身体部位part of body
1.[c]肩;肩膀;肩胛either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck
2.…肩膀的having the type of shoulders mentioned
3.[c](衣服的)肩部the part of a piece of clothing that covers the shoulder
山、瓶子等of mountain/bottle, etc.
5.[c]~ (of sth)山肩;瓶肩a part of sth, such as a bottle or mountain, that is shaped like a shoulder
公路边side of road
6.[c]路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带)an area of ground at the side of a road where vehicles can stop in an emergency
be looking over your shoulder
惴惴不安;小心提防to be anxious and have the feeling that sb is going to do sth unpleasant or harmful to you
on sbs shoulders
由某人承担if blame, guilt , etc. ison sb's shoulders , they must take responsibility for it
put your shoulder to the wheel
着手大干起来;全力以赴to start working very hard at a particular task
a shoulder to cry on
倾诉的对象used to describe a person who listens to your problems and gives you sympathy
shoulder to shoulder (with sb)
肩并肩地;紧挨着physically close to sb