
美 [ˈkeri]英 [ˈkæri]
  • v.携带;搬;拿;提
  • n.携带;〈美〉运输;空;(两条水道间)陆上运送
  • 网络搬运;进位;运载

过去式:carried 现在分词:carrying 第三人称单数:carries




带走take with you

1.[t]~ sb/sth拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送to support the weight of sb/sth and take them or it from place to place; to take sb/sth from one place to another

2.[t]~ sth携带;佩戴to have sth with you and take it wherever you go

管道;线路of pipes/wires

3.[t]~ sth输送,传输,传送(水、电等)to contain and direct the flow of water, electricity, etc.


4.[t]~ sth传播;传染if a person, an insect, etc.carries a disease, they are infected with it and might spread it to others although they might not become sick themselves

承重support weight

6.[t]~ sth支撑;承载to support the weight of sth


7.[t]~ sth承担(责任);承受(结果)to accept responsibility for sth; to suffer the results of sth

具有品质╱特点have as quality/feature

8.[t]~ sth具有(某品质或特点)to have sth as a quality or feature

9.[t]~ sth带有,带来(某种结果或后果)to have sth as a result

扔;踢of throw/kick

10.[i]+ noun + adv./prep.扔(或踢等)到…距离if sth that is thrown, kicked, etc.carries a particular distance, it travels that distance before stopping

带到…地方╱位置take to place/position

12.[t]~ sth/sb to/into sth向…前进;推进到to take sth/sb to a particular point or in a particular direction


13.[t][usupass]~ sth(以票数多出)获得通过to approve of sth by more people voting for it than against it

14.[t]赢得…支持(或同情);劝说…接受论点to win the support or sympathy of sb; to persuade people to accept your argument

有标签have label

15.[t]~ sth贴有(标签);附有(信息)to have a particular label or piece of information attached

商店商品item in store

17.[t]~ sth销售;出售if a shop/storecarries a particular item, it has it for sale


18.[t]怀孕;怀胎to be pregnant with sb


19.[t]~ yourself + adv./prep.保持姿态;做姿势to hold or move your head or body in a particular way
