
美 [twɪst]英 [twɪst]
  • v.捻;扭转;曲折;扭动
  • n.捻;拧;扭动;搓
  • 网络扭曲;捻度;歪曲

第三人称单数:twists 现在分词:twisting 过去式:twisted



v. n.

弯曲成形bend into shape

1.[t]~ sth (into sth)使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状)to bend or turn sth into a particular shape

2.[t][i](使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形to bend or turn sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be bent or turned in this way

转动身体turn body

3.[t][i]扭转,转动(身体部位)to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still

4.[i][t](猛地将身体)转动,旋转,扭动to turn your body with quick sharp movements and change direction often

用手转动turn with hand

5.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用手)转动,旋转to turn sth around in a circle with your hand

道路;河流of roads/rivers

6.[i]曲折;蜿蜒;盘旋to bend and change direction often


7.[t]~ sth扭伤;崴伤to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an awkward way

缠绕wind around

8.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)使缠绕;缭绕;盘绕to wind sth around or through an object

9.[i]~ (round/around sth)蠕动;盘绕;缠绕生长to move or grow by winding around sth


10.[t]~ sth(故意)歪曲,曲解to deliberately change the meaning of what sb has said, or to present facts in a particular way, in order to benefit yourself or harm sb else


11.[t]~ sth (into sth)捻,搓,绞(线等)to turn or wind threads, etc. together to make sth longer or thicker


twist sbs arm

劝说;强迫;生拉硬拽;施加压力to persuade or force sb to do sth
