- v.转向;转身;翻;转弯
- n.转向;转变;转动;旋动
- linkv.成为;超过(某一年龄或时间)
- 网络旋转;转牌;翻转
第三人称单数:turns 现在分词:turning 过去式:turned

转动move round
1.[i][t](使)转动,旋转to move or make sth move around a central point
改变位置╱方向change position/direction
2.[i][t]转身;扭转(身体部位)to move your body or part of your body so as to face or start moving in a different direction
3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.翻转;翻动;把…翻过来to move sth so that it is in a different position or facing a different direction
4.[i][t](使)改变方向;转弯to change the direction you are moving or travelling in; to make sth change the direction it is moving in
5.[i](+ adv./prep.)转向;转弯to curve in a particular direction
6.[t][i]朝着;向…方向;对准to aim or point sth in a particular direction
海潮of tide in sea
7.[i]开始涨(或落)to start to come in or go out
松开let sb/sth go
8.[t](使)松开,释放to make or let sb/sth go into a particular place or state
9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.折起;翻转to fold sth in a particular way
10.[t][nopass]~ sth表演(身体旋转动作)to perform a movement by moving your body in a circle
11.[t][i]翻,翻动(书页)if youturn a page of a book or magazine, you move it so that you can read the next page
14.[t]~ sth(在车床上)车削to shape sth on a lathe
大多数含 turn 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not turn a hair 在词条 hair 下。Most idioms containingturn are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplenot turn a hair is athair .
as it/things turned out
正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然as was shown or proved by later events
be well, badly, etc. turned out
穿着打扮得好(或不好等)to be well, badly, etc. dressed
turn round/around and do sth
(用以报告令人吃惊或不快的言行)竟会used to report what sb says or does, when this is surprising or annoying