
  • na.find fault with; be overcritical
  • 网络nit-pick; Review Writing; To comment from head to feet




中国特色词的译法 - Billwang 工业设计论坛 ... 平面设计师 graphic designer 评头论足 nit-pick 普选制 general election system ...

Review Writing

宜宾学院外国语... ... 13. Reflective Writing( 反思之文) 14. Review Writing评头论足) 15. Social Issue Writing( 道义文章…

To comment from head to feet

翻译词典... ... Draft standard for comment 标准征求意见稿 To comment from head to feet 评头论足 ...

Comment on either

什么意思_英语comment... ... Comment on Journals 期刊点评 Comment on either 评头论足 comment on liability 评论负债 ...

Featured Events

分类: 评头论足 (Featured Events) 加好友 发纸条 写留言 加关注 更多>> 查看更多>> 查看更多>> 标签: 博客等级:

talking about

(三)当民族志电影不再假定现实的样子,抛弃“评头论足”(talking about)的作风 ,换成“街谈巷议”(talking nearby) (崔明皓) …

lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet

头 - Pin1yin1.com ... 平头 平头 flattop 评头论足 评头论足 lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet ...
