
  • na.invite [ask for] trouble
  • 网络a bad apple; make trouble; get into trouble



a bad apple

经典口语_DAWEI_新浪博客 ... flirt with sb 暗送秋波 a bad apple (坏蛋,惹麻烦,不诚实的人) Big apple 纽约 ...

make trouble

牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) ... make mistakes 犯错误, make trouble 惹麻烦, make a suggestion 提建议, ...

get into trouble

初中英语复习分类(三) 短语 - 好研 ... 20. be fond of 喜欢 1. get into trouble 陷入麻烦;惹麻烦 2. agree with 同意 ...

arouse a nest of hornets

nest是什么意思... ... a nest of 一窝…,一套… arouse a nest of hornets 捅马蜂窝,树敌招怨,惹麻烦 bird's nest n. 鸟巢,燕窝 ...

cause trouble

九年级英语词组总结Unit1-8 ... 10.the old days 过去的日子 1. cause trouble 惹麻烦 2. afford to do sth 支付得起…的费用 ...

stir up trouble

打的组词、用法、... ... [strike] 打掉 [stir up trouble] 有意给别人找麻烦;惹麻烦 [play mah-jong] 玩麻将牌,用麻将牌消遣或赌博 ...

catch it

it的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... It is cold. 天气寒冷。 catch it 惹麻烦 have had it 没有成功的希望 ...


...方面和微笑刺客托马斯也有几分雷同,托马斯是个相当会惹麻烦(feisty),某些时候脾气非常糟糕,谁也不服(KH:也很贪婪)的 …
