- v.发展;开发;研制;发挥
- 网络显影;发育;发达
第三人称单数:develops 现在分词:developing 过去式:developed

发展;壮大grow bigger/stronger
1.[i][t](使)成长,发展,壮大to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make sth do this
新思想╱产品new idea/product
2.[t]~ sth开发;研制to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc. and make it successful
3.[i][t]~ (sth) 患(病);出现(问题);(疾病)开始侵袭;(问题)开始影响to begin to have sth such as a disease or a problem; to start to affect sb/sth
4.[i](尤指开始向坏的方面)发展,变化to start to happen or change, especially in a bad way
变得更好become better
5.[t][i]~ (sth)加强;增强;发挥to start to have a skill, ability, quality, etc. that becomes better and stronger; to become better and stronger
建房build houses
6.[t]~ sth修建;开发to build new houses, factories, etc. on an area of land, especially land that was not being used effectively before
7.[t]~ sth详尽阐述;阐明to make an idea, a story, etc. clearer by explaining it further
8.[t]~ sth使(胶卷)显影;显像;冲洗(胶片)to treat film which has been used to take photographs with chemicals so that the pictures can be seen