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Kill two birds with one stone

Luckystar... ... 16、long time no see 好久不见 17、kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 18、add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 ...

One Stone And Two Birds

世纪环球在线—公映影片 ... 极地特快 The Polar Express 一石二鸟 One Stone and Two Birds 神经侠侣 CRAZY N'THE CITY ...

To kill two birds with one stone

直译与意译的区... ... 7.fat 直译:胖 1.to kill two birds with one stone 直译:一石二鸟 2.to flog a dead horse 直译:鞭打死 …

One stone,two birds

最新的热门大碟 - 柒零叁网 -... ... 05. 台湾制造 Taiwan Made 06. 一石二鸟 One Stone,Two Birds 07. 纯真年代 Innocent Years ...

killing two birds with one stone

与bird有关的短语_快乐求知... ... 7. killing two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 8. a feather in one’s cap 可引以自豪的行为 ...

Two birds,one stone

电影《爱不胜防》第38期:她让我承诺-... ... Mmm-hmm. 恩 Two birds,one stone. 一石二鸟 Come on. Eloise,no. 走吧 艾洛伊丝 …

Kill two birds whit one stone

早晚五句,克服&quo... ... take the world as it is 随遇而安 kill two birds whit one stone 一石二鸟 hold your horse 请耐心点 ...

