
  • na.backtrack; retrace one's steps
  • 网络take the road back; turn the clock back; return to old practices




《图解英语单词》犬类,鸟类 ... pigeon 鸽子 take the road back;backtrack 走回头路 nest 鸟巢;鸟窝 ...

take the road back

《图解英语单词》犬类,鸟类 ... pigeon 鸽子 take the road back;backtrack 走回头路 nest 鸟巢;鸟窝 ...

turn the clock back

文革时期常用词汇的英译-Z -... ... 纵深发展 develop in depth 走回头路 turn the clock back 走老路 adhere to the old ways ...

return to old practices

英语词... ... 走黑道,走黑道儿[ walk in dark night] 走回头路[ take the road back;return to old practices] 走火[ cook off] ...

Return by the way that one came

By the... ... They fell out by the way. 他们在路上就争吵起来了。 Return by the way that one came 由原路返回;走回头路 ...

chance of turning back

  但是,Sam接着说,故事里的人们不是没有机会退缩的,他们有许多机会可以走回头路chance of turning back),只是他们 …


...的既定方向会在以后的发展中得到自我强化和壮大,无法走回头路(irreversibility)。一个常被引用的例子是英文的打字键盘, …

fallen off the wagon

奥巴马表示,他戒菸一路走来十分努力,但不讳言有时会瘾头再犯,走回头路fallen off the wagon),「我已戒菸,但有时候 …
