
  • na.truce; armistice
  • 网络ceasefire; bury the hatchet; cessation of hostilities




GRE 词汇表(红宝书) - 豆丁网 ... armada n. 舰队 armistice n. 休战,停战 aroma n. 芳香,香气 ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... truth n 事实,真理 truce n 休战,停战(相信对方而停战) truism n 不言自明的真理 ...


新闻英语词汇_百度文库 ... cease to be 不再是 ceasefire 停火,停战 truce censorship 审查机构,审查制度 ...

bury the hatchet

banderilla的意思 中文翻译 ... bury 埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 bury the hatchet 和解, 停战 burying 埋, 埋葬 ...

cessation of hostilities

一些翻译~(转的~) ... cave (口)屈服 cessation of hostilities 停战,休战 chillingly 冷淡地 ...

suspension of arms

suspension的意思_百度知道 ... the suspension of payment 暂停付款 suspension of arms 停战 suspension bridge 悬桥, 吊桥 ...

put up the sword

2012届高考英语词组及搭配复习 ... draw the sword 拔剑,开战 put up the sword 停战 the sword and the purse 武力和财力 ...

break off an action

... arouse sb to action 激励某人采取行动 break off an action 停止行动,停战 bring ... into action 实行…,使…发生作用 ...
