- n.转移;改变;变换;转换
- v.转移;改变;转向;推卸
- 网络移动;移位;转变
第三人称单数:shifts 现在分词:shifting 过去式:shifted

1.[i][t]转移;挪动to move, or move sth, from one position or place to another
3.[i]改变;转向to change from one state, position, etc. to another
4.[t]改变观点(或态度、做事方式等)to change your opinion of or attitude towards sth, or change the way that you do sth
5.[t]~ responsibility/blame (for sth) (onto sb)推卸,转嫁(责任)to make sb else responsible for sth you should do or sth bad that you have done
去除污迹remove mark
6.[t]~ sth去除(污迹等)to remove sth such as a dirty mark
销售商品sell goods
7.[t]~ sth销售,出售(尤指销路不好的商品)to sell goods, especially goods that are difficult to sell
车辆in vehicle
8.[i]换(挡)to change the gears when you are driving a vehicle
shift your ground
(尤指讨论时)改变立场to change your opinion about a subject, especially during a discussion
(the) shifting sands (of sth)
变幻莫测;变化无常used to describe a situation that changes so often that it is difficult to understand or deal with it