- v.削减;切;割;剪切
- n.减少;伤口;理发;删节
- adj.切下的;【植】尖裂的;雕好了的;磨过的
- 网络岩屑;切屑;粉屑

1.[t][i]切;割;割破;划破to make an opening or a wound in sth, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors
用刀切下remove with knife
2.[t](用刀等从某物上)切下,割下to remove sth or a part of sth, using a knife, etc.
3.[t]~ sth (in sth)切成;割成;剪成;削成;凿成to make or form sth by removing material with a knife, etc.
4.[t](用刀等将某物)切成,割成to divide sth into two or more pieces with a knife, etc.
头发、指甲、草等hair/nails/grass, etc.
5.[t]剪短;修剪to make sth shorter by cutting
6.[t](割断绳子、某物等)让(某人)逃跑,释放to allow sb to escape from somewhere by cutting the rope, object, etc. that is holding them
7.[t][usupass]~ sth + adj.剪裁to design and make a piece of clothing in a particular way
可切割;可被切割able to cut/be cut
8.[i]可用于切割;能切割to be capable of cutting
9.[i]可被切割to be capable of being cut
10.[t]削减;缩减;裁减to reduce sth by removing a part of it
11.[t]~ sth (from sth)删剪;删节to remove sth from sth
12.[i][t]~ (sth)剪切to delete (= remove) part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere else
13.[t](informal)~ sth(让人停止做某事)used to tell sb to stop doing sth
14.[t]~ sth断绝(关系);终止(沟通)to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb
电影;电视in movie/TV
16.[i]停止拍片(或录音、录像)to stop filming or recording
17.[i]~ (from sth) to sth切换画面;转换to move quickly from one scene to another
旷课miss class
18.[t](informal)~ sth旷(课);缺(课);逃学to stay away from a class that you should go to
19.[t]~ sb(从感情上)伤害to hurt sb emotionally
纸牌游戏in card games
20.[i][t]~ (sth)(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌,抽牌to lift and turn up a pack/deck of playing cards in order to decide who is to play first, etc.
21.[t]~ sth(与另一条线)相交to cross another line
牙齿a tooth
22.[t]~ a tooth开始长(新牙)to have a new tooth beginning to appear through the gum
激光唱片等a disc, etc.
23.[t]~ a disc, etc.灌制(唱片);制作(激光唱片等)to make a recording of music on a record, CD, etc.
大多数含 cut 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 cut your losses 在词条 loss 下。Most idioms containingcut are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplecut your losses is atloss .
cut and run
急忙逃走;撒腿就跑to make a quick or sudden escape
(not) cut it
(不)如预想的一般好;(不)像所需要的那么好to (not) be as good as is expected or needed