
美 [smel]英 [smel]
  • n.闻;气味;嗅觉;臭味
  • v.闻;闻到;有(或发出)…气味;能闻到气味
  • 网络闻诊;腥的;嗅诊

过去式:smelt 过去式:smelled 第三人称单数:smells 现在分词:smelling



v. n.

1.[i]有(或发出)…气味to have a particular smell

2.[t][nopass]闻到,嗅到(气味)to notice or recognize a particular smell

3.[i]能闻到气味;能嗅到气味to be able to notice and recognize smells

4.[t]~ sth闻,嗅(气味)to put your nose near sth and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell

5.[i]有难闻的气味;散发着臭气to have an unpleasant smell

6.[t][nopass]~ sth觉察出;感觉到to feel that sth exists or is going to happen


come up/out of sth smelling of roses

虽卷入…而好名声依旧;事后于名誉无损to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you

smell a rat

怀疑事情不妙;感觉情况不对to suspect that sth is wrong about a situation
