
  • na.respect for seniority
  • 网络Respect for seniority; elders and juniors each in their places; pecking order



Respect for seniority

翻译词典... ... Respect for seniority 长幼有序 Should promotion be through merit or seniority? 晋升应该凭成绩还是靠年资? ...

elders and juniors each in their places

香港新闻工作者从业词典(87) ... 长幼有序 elders and juniors each in their places 「康健乐颐年」运动 Healthy Aging Campaign ...

pecking order

TOEFL Word Bank flashcards | Quizlet ... peck 啄 pecking order 啄食的顺序 长幼有序 camouflage 伪装 ...

the favor consciousness

有序生长,ordering... ... ) long range order 长程有序 ) the favor consciousness 长幼有序 ) increment sequence 生长层序 ...
