
  • na.A section of arrowroot is separated, but the clinging fibre remains.
  • 网络have not cut off relations completely; Lingering; Old loves they die hard



have not cut off relations completely

2009年07月01日... ... “快马加鞭” speed up 、 “藕断丝连have not cut off relations completely 、 “五光十色” multicolored 、 ...


Chen Rui - Music, Songs, Albums ... Acacia debt( 相思的债) Lingering( 藕断丝连) Last night( 昨夜) ...

Old loves they die hard

... I wish I had your angel 但愿今晚我的天使降临 Old loves they die hard 藕断丝连, Old lies they die harder 谎言不绝。 ...

Old feelings remain after a severed relationship

绝响三十·人声试... ... 10另一种乡愁 Another kind of nostalgia 11藕断丝连 Old feelings remain after a severed relationship ...

Unforgettable Love

刘德华-在你身边1984-2008 -爱玩堂 ... 3-13 心声共鸣 Resonance 3-14 藕断丝连 Unforgettable Love 3-15 真永远 Really Foreve…

The lotus root snaps But its fiBres stay joined

apparently severed but actually connected

藕的英语翻译_百度知道 ... 藕: lotus root 藕断丝连apparently severed but actually connected 藕粉: lotus root starch ...
