- na.(a Han Dynasty prime minister) followed the rules set by Xiao (his predecessor) -- to follow established rules
- 网络Follow rules set by your predecessor which are appropriate; follow in someone's footsteps; The beaten road is the safest

Follow rules set by your predecessor which are appropriate
Thier... ... 小家碧玉 A pretty girl of humble birth 萧规曹随 Follow rules set by your predecessor which are appropriate ...
follow in someone's footsteps
English I... ... 18. flash in the pan 虎头蛇尾 19. follow in someone's footsteps 萧规曹随 20. for the birds 一文不值 ...
The beaten road is the safest
有几句英文句子需要翻译 -... ... 19.The beaten road is the safest.~ 萧规曹随 20.Beauty is but skin deep.~ 美色只是肤浅的 ...
following in their footsteps
领导者勇於开创新局,较少「萧规曹随」(following in their footsteps)。「大好江山重新再造」,英文可用(to start from scra…