
  • na.Able men tied down to a routine post.
  • 网络The New Age; There is life in the old dog yet; an old hero still cherishes high aspirations



The New Age

... 通往专家心智之路 The Expert Mind 老骥伏枥 The New Age 中华文明的时空变迁 Chinese Civilization in Time and Space ...

There is life in the old dog yet

济南市胜利大街小学... ... 25.There is a snake in the grass.( 隐患大也) 27.There is life in the old dog yet.( 老骥伏枥) ...

an old hero still cherishes high aspirations

翻译词典... ... She had aspirations to be an actress 她想做女演员。 an old hero still cherishes high aspirations 老骥伏枥 ...

ji li

易读错字汇编 - 免费文档下载 ... 户枢不蠹 shu du 老骥伏枥 ji li 否极泰来 pi tai ...

rest in peace

当古诗遇到... ... 少壮不努力, shao zhuang bu nu li 老骥伏枥rest in peace 沉舟侧畔千帆过, makes you wonder where the…

lit. an old steed in

l的英语翻译... ... 老骥伏枥 lit. an old steed in ... 老骥伏枥,志在千里 lit. an old steed in ... 落炕 to be laid up in ... ...
