
  • na.a large collection of ancient stone tablets
  • 网络the Forest of Steles; Stele Forest; Stone Forest



the Forest of Steles

碑_百度百科 ... ◎碑刻[ inscriptions on a tablet] ◎碑林[ the Forest of Steles] ◎碑铭[ inscriptions on a tablet] ...

Stele Forest

Code ALK-07001 ... 图16:兵马俑( The Terracotta Warriors) 图17:碑林( stele forest) 图18:大雁塔( Big Wild Goose Pagoda) ...

Stone Forest

汉译英景点名称翻译技巧_在线英语词典 ... 钟楼 Clock Tower 碑林 Stone Forest 颐和园 The Summer Palace ...

collection of stone inscriptions

百度词典搜索_林 ... stone forest; 石林 collection of stone inscriptions 碑林 林薄[ wild jungle] ...


Foot Studio 脚音乐工作室 ... ... 33.JIYI 记忆 试听: 43.FUNERAL 碑林 试听: 01.I HAVE TO GO 征途 ...

Forest of Tablets

ORIENTAL TRAVEL ... 故 宫 Forbidden City 碑 林 Forest of Tablets 晅 壠 彲 宨 嬫 Fujiazhuang Scenic Area ...

Forst of Stelae

陕西省旅游景点英文介绍_百度知道 ... Big Wild Goose Pagoda- 大雁塔 Forst of Stelae碑林 Great Mosque - 清真寺 ...

