- na.take up and adopt others' thoughts instead of using one's own
- 网络Derivative Idea; pick up what others say; pich up what others say

Derivative Idea
拾人牙慧 (Derivative Idea) 如果你回顾一下那些成功的初创公司, 很少是从模仿别人起家的. 他们的灵感来自哪儿 呢?通常是由创 …
pick up what others say
somewhat useful phrase in sentence... ... 老生常谈 platitude 拾人牙慧 pick up what others say 艰涩 involved and abstruse ...
pich up what others say
Sinograma - Diccionario de... ... 拾人涕唾[ plagiarize] 拾人牙慧[ pich up what others say] 淑人君子[ gentleman] ...
to pick up what others say
People | Chinese... ... 志士仁人 gentleman aspiring to benevolence 拾人牙慧 to pick up what others say 撒克逊 Saxon ...
de Taïwan - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 ... 分类: 死亡 La mort 分类: 拾人牙慧 Citation 分类: 孤独 Solitude ...
采菊东篱下—密码购买处| - 奥兰多-Orlando ... ... nightmareyt 夏凝眸 sephiver 拾人牙慧 jiegeng 小楼东风 ...
to pick up what others said
...石公园去一趟,才不会人云亦云了。否则,懂得的只是一知半解(incomplete conprehension),拾人牙慧(to pick up what o…
re-invent the wheel
“Megan很傲慢自大,其实只是拾人牙慧(re-invent the wheel)。她得的是富二代慢性病”。赔钱的滋味不好受,她已经在为艺 …