
  • na.of such a size; so big
  • 网络joaxtoa; of such a size so big; skin of bamboo



so big

第一届奥斯卡最佳影帝... ... 1924 辉煌之夜 One Glorious Night 1924 偌大 So Big 1925 丈夫的秘密 Her Husband's …

of such a size

Sinograma -... ... 人大[ the National People’s Congress] 偌大[ of such a size;so big] 盛大[ grand;magnificant] ...


基准台语语辞 辞典 ... joaxniq' 多麽,偌呢 joaxtoa 偌大 joaxzoe←joaxzoe 偌多 ...

of such a size so big

包含 大 的词语 | 常用词典 |... ... ◆ 侃大山[ piffle ] ◆ 偌大[ of such a size so big ] ◆ 滂沱大雨[ rain cat and dog ] ...

skin of bamboo

希高翻译-文学词汇中英对照 ... /so/such/to such a degree/ 箬 /skin of bamboo/ 偌大 /so big/such a big/ 弱点 ...

nuo ruo

蜷缩 (quan juan ) 偌大 (nuo ruo ) 威慑 (she nie ) 谥号 (yi shi ) 枢纽 (qu shu ) 鞭挞 (ta da ) 风流倜傥 (dang tang ) 膝盖 (q...

ruo nuo

偌大ruo nuo ) 蹿跳(cuan cuan) 蚕茧(chan can)三、选词填空。


字音专题复习教案 - 豆丁网 ... 蠕 动偌 ruî 偌大 【S】霎 shà 霎时讪 shàn ...

Ah, this so and greatly inside temple, depart this temple for a person to deal with that shameless matron.
