
  • na.requite love with hate
  • 网络bite the hand that feeds one; requite kindness with ingratitude; return evil for good



bite the hand that feeds one

hand的... ... at first hand 直接地,第一手地 bite the hand that feeds one 以怨报德,恩将仇报 bridle hand 左手(指持缰绳之手) ...

requite kindness with ingratitude

请求单号... ... requite 报答, 酬谢 requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨报德 requite like for like 以恩报恩, 以怨报怨 ...

return evil for good

04年考外交部时背诵... ... 17,fly into a rage 勃然大怒 24,return evil for good 以怨报德 30,start sth from scratch 从头开始 ...

to bite the hand that feeds one

有关人体部位的一些成语 ... 10. not turn a hair 泰然自若;面不改色 11. to bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报;以怨报德 ...

quit love with hate

quit的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... quit hold of 撒手放开 quit love with hate 以怨报德, 恩将仇报 Q-it out! 住嘴; 住手! ...

be very ungrateful

俚语、俗语与谚语 ... be open and aboveboard 光明磊落 be very ungrateful 以怨报德 Beauty is but skin deep. 人不可貌相 ...

A beggar pays a benefit with a louse

北京译邦达翻译公司... ... A beggar pays a benefit with a louse. 以怨报德。 Beggar's bags are bottomless. 穷起来不怕钱多。 ...

Kindness Ill Requited

读寓言故事说... ... 6.Bom tO Trouble 制造麻烦 8.Kindness Ill Requited 以怨报德 9.A Case of Mistaken Identity 披上羊皮的狼 ...
