
  • 网络so that; in order that; so as to



so that

新概念英语第二册学习笔记(2) ... train sb to do 训练某人做某事 so that以便于,为了(表达目的) so that 引导目的状语 …

in order that

几道英语填空题_百度知道 ... 9 in order to 为了.....目的 1 in order that 以便于...... 2 share with 与...分享 ...

so as to

牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) ... as far as 就….而言, so as to 以便于, as for 至于, ...

in order to

8年级(配湖南教育版)寒假生活英语答案_百度知道 ... 值日 on duty 以便于 in order to 就坐 take a sit ...

to facilitate

facilitate是什么意思... ... FACILITATE1. 促进,帮助 to facilitate1. 以便于 facilitate the1. 有助于个性的发展 ...
