- un.sad and depressed feeling
- 网络ji; in a reflection

sad and depressed feeling
九 - 搜搜百科 ... ◎ 九品[ nine ranks] ◎ 九曲回肠[ sad and depressed feeling] ◎ 九泉[ grave] ...
与肠相关的成语 | 包含肠的成语 -... ... 九回肠断 jiǔ huí cháng duàn 九曲回肠 jiǔ qū huí cháng 鼠腹鸡肠 shǔ fù jī cháng ...
in a reflection
九曲回肠 (in a reflection,) with nine-knots in one’s intestines; feeling of sadness; melancholy九天揽月 climbing up the Nin...