
  • 网络Hungry Ghost Festival; Zhongyuan Festival; Festival of The Hungry Ghosts



Hungry Ghost Festival

[加拿大]怎么过万圣节 ... ·愚人节 April Fool's Day ·中元节 Hungry Ghost Festival ·Easter Day 复活节(中) ...

Zhongyuan Festival

中国传统节日及传说 中英文对照 ... 6.重阳节 Double Ninth Day 7.中元节 Zhongyuan Festival 8.赫哲年 Hezhe Spring Festival ...

Festival of The Hungry Ghosts

3.中元节Festival of The Hungry Ghosts) 中国人深信每年农历七月饿鬼们会从鬼门关出来到人世间游荡。为了安抚和娱乐这 …

Festival of the fifteenth day

国外的一些主要节日中英... ... 农历春节 calendar Spring Festival 中元节 Festival of the fifteenth day 开斋节 Lesser bairam ...

is hit by yuan of festival

节假日_百度百科 ... 盂兰盆节 -- The jar orchid basin saves 中元节 -- is hit by yuan of festival 鬼节 -- spirit festival ...

Ghosts' Festival

节日名称 ... 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 中元节 Ghosts' Festival 父亲节 Father's Day ...
