
  • 网络draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages; to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses; seek advantage and avoid disadvantage



draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages

英语时政短语系列... ... 趋利避害 draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages 全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign ...

to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses

... 在经济上具有互补性 to be economically complementary 扬长避短,趋利避害 to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesse

seek advantage and avoid disadvantage

[分享]最新简明英语口译教程 | 翻译中国 ... 不懈努力 unremitting efforts 趋利避害 seek advantage and avoid disadvantage ...

maximize what is good and minimize what is bad

趋利... ... ) maximize what is good and minimize what is bad 趋利避害 ) seek advantages and avoid disadvantages 避害趋利 ...

avoid disadvantages and fully play out advantages

汉英口译实战案例分... ... 趋利避害 avoid disadvantages and fully play out advantages 思考和启示 thought and enlightenment ...

Go after profits and advoid disadvantages

My World: zi dian 4 ... 轨道 Track 趋利避害 Go after profits and advoid disadvantages 庞大 Huge ...


即第三人不能趋利避害pickouttheplumsandleavetheduffbehind)。第三人所获得的是被保险人基于合同产生的一般权利,而 …

pursue benefit and avoiding being hurt

注:“趋利避害(pursue benefit and avoiding being hurt)”是人性的一个核心。不过“害他避害 (avoid being hurt by hurting others)” …
