
美 [doʊ]英 [dəʊ]
  • v.做;进行;完成;做出
  • auxv.用于实义动词前构成否定句和疑问句;构成附加疑问句
  • n.社交聚会;社交活动

复数:dos 第三人称单数:does 现在分词:doing 过去式:did 过去分词:done




1.[t]~ sth做,干,办(某事)used to refer to actions that you do not mention by name or do not know about


2.[i](以某种方式)做,行动,表现to act or behave in the way mentioned


3.[i]+ adv./prep.(问询或谈论时用)进展,进行used to ask or talk about the success or progress of sb/sth


4.[t]~ sth从事(工作);进行(活动);执行(任务)to work at or perform an activity or a task

5.[t]~ sth(与名词连用,表示打扫、清洗、整理等)used with nouns to talk about tasks such as cleaning, washing, arranging, etc.

6.[t]做,从事(熨烫、烹调、购物、演戏、写作等)to perform the activity or task mentioned


7.[t]~ sth从事(职业)to work at sth as a job


8.[t]~ sth学习;攻读;研究to learn or study sth


9.[t]~ sth解答;解决to find the answer to sth; to solve sth


10.[t]做出;制作to produce or make sth


11.[t]~ sth演出,编排(戏剧、歌剧等)to perform or produce a play, an opera , etc.

仿效copy sb

12.[t]~ sb/sth仿效,模仿,扮演(尤为逗乐)to copy sb's behaviour or the way sb speaks, sings, etc., especially in order to make people laugh


13.[i][t]完成;做完to finish sth


14.[t]~ sth走过,旅行过(一段路程)to travel a particular distance

15.[t]~ sth走完,完成(旅程)to complete a journey/trip


16.[t]~ sth以…速度行进;达到…速度to travel at or reach a particular speed


17.[t](informal)~ sth参观;游览;在…观光to visit a place as a tourist

度过spend time

18.[t]~ sth度过(一段时间)to spend a period of time doing sth

处理deal with

19.[t]~ sb/sth处理;照料to deal with or attend to sb/sth

适合;足够be suitable/enough

20.[i][t]适合;足够to be suitable or be enough for sb/sth


21.[t]~ sth烹制;煮;烧;煎to cook sth


22.[t][usupass](informal)~ sb欺骗to cheat sb


23.[t](informal)~ sb (for sth)惩罚;处罚to punish sb


24.[t](informal)~ sth(从某地方)盗窃;抢劫(某地方)to steal from a place

吸毒take drugs

25.[t](informal)~ sth吸(毒)to take an illegal drug


大多数含 do 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 do a bunk 在词条 bunk 下。Most idioms containingdo are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampledo a bunk is atbunk .

be/have to do with sb/sth

关于;与…有关系(或有联系)to be about or connected with sb/sth

have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc. to do with sb/sth

与…有些(毫无、有很大等)关系used to talk about how much sb/sth is connected with sb/sth

it wont do

(表示情况不令人满意、需要改变或改进)那不行,这不合适used to say that a situation is not acceptable and should be changed or improved

not do anything/a lot/much for sb

并不使某人漂亮一些╱很多used to say that sth does not make sb look attractive

nothing doing

(拒绝请求)不行,办不到used to refuse a request

no you dont

不,你办不到;不,我不许你这样做;你敢used to show that you intend to stop sb from doing sth that they were going to do

that does it

(表示不愿再接受)行了,得了,够了used to show that you will not accept sth any longer

thats done it

这下可糟了;这下可完了used to say that an accident, a mistake, etc. has spoiled or ruined sth

that will do

(制止行动或说话)行啦,够啦used to order sb to stop doing or saying sth

what do you do for sth?

你是怎么设法获得…的used to ask how sb manages to obtain the thing mentioned

what is sb/sth doing…?

为什么在…地方used to ask why sb/sth is in the place mentioned
