
  • na.prosecute to the end
  • 网络stay the course; Thorough; carry sth.through to the end



stay the course

...只有阿富汗人口的一万分之五,说明美国在阿富汗没有「贯彻始终」(stay the course),「我们甚至没有假装留守那儿」。


...y School)位于香港湾仔爱群道5号,校训为“贯彻始终”(Thorough)。

carry sth.through to the end

Built to Last

...s and Jerry Porras) 企业精神,贯彻始终(Built to Last), 1994(也译为《基业常青》)26[43] 亚里士多德曾经说过:"所谓价值 …

go the distance

... 92. sleep like a log 睡得很沉 223. go the distance 贯彻始终;完成全体 290. sit like a bump on a log 坐着跟大木头一般 ...

And saw it through without exemption

my way_sunshow_新浪博客 ... I did what I had to do 我做了我应做的 And saw it through without exemption 贯彻始终 ...

We carry through until the very end

中华民国国歌英文版Nat... ... 贯彻始终 We carry through until the very end. 以建民国 Using this,we establish the Republic; ...

to implement something thoroughly

贯彻的英文... ... 得到贯彻 to be implemented 贯彻始终 to implement something thoroughly 贯彻方针 to implement guidelines ...
