
  • 网络so sad; upset; be in great distress



so sad

so cold、so hard、so sad ? - 已解决... ... so hard 真难,如此难, so sad 太悲伤,很难过 SO 都是副词,表强调,“很”“如此”“ …


翻译短语_百度知道 ... 6上周 last week 7很难过 upset 8使劲做 try to do ...

be in great distress

情感之喜、怒、哀、乐篇... ... 难以言表的悲伤 be inexpressibly sad 很难过 be in great distress 遇到麻烦 be in trouble ...

broken hearted

动感英语 111-115_Ihope_新浪博客 ... Audrey Hepburn 奥黛丽 赫本 broken hearted 很难过,很悲伤 ...

have a hard time with

Y巴西木Y_新浪博客 ... private person 喜欢安静的人 have a hard time with 很痛苦;很难过 on one's tail 跟踪;尾随 ...

Sad to see

NAVY BLUE - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 ... Sad to see 很难过 A new horizon slowly comin’ into view,yeah 黎明将至 ...

While Christopher seemed resigned to the criticisms, he said: 'Each time I read the (newspaper) reports, I feel so sad.
