
  • na.regard as a game
  • 网络trifle with; regard … as a trifling matter; to regard it as unimportant



trifle with

trifle中文 ... - Pumpkin mousse trifle 南瓜慕斯;南瓜幕斯; trifle with 视同儿戏 trifle 琐事 ... ...

regard … as a trifling matter

视_百度百科 ... 视死如饴【 die willingly】 视同儿戏regard … as a trifling matter】 视为畏途【 regard as dangerous road】 ...

to regard it as unimportant

中国成语--绿风... ... ·视同儿戏 to regard it as unimportant. ·视死如归 to look upon death as going home. ...

to view as trifling

戏法 English, 翻译,... ... 上海戏剧学院 Shanghai Theatrical Institute 视同儿戏 to view as trifling; 视讯游戏 video game ...

to regard sth as a plaything

Tong2 | Chinese Dictionary ... 临潼区 Lintong District of Xi’an 视同儿戏 to regard sth as a plaything ...
