
  • na.seek common ground while reserving differences
  • 网络agree to differ; agree to disagree; Celebrate difference



agree to differ

实用英语流行语_perper_新浪博客 ... add up to 合计达,总括起来意味着 agree to differ 求同存异 all told 合计,总之 ...

seek common ground while reserving differences

... 8.扩大共识 expand common ground 9.求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences 10.曲折 twists and tur…

agree to disagree

...不代表双方要承认对方的立场和价值观,只是建立了一个求同存异(agree to disagree)的管道而已:事情做成了,面子也照顾到 …

Celebrate difference

洲际酒店集团的致胜之道是什么_百度知道 ... aim higher 追求卓越 celebrate difference 求同存异 work better together 协作共赢 ...

Unity In Diversity

求同存异Unity In Diversity)这是印度一则轻松愉快的推销广告。

overcome differences and seek common ground

商务词汇(二十三) ... key entitled groups 重点优抚对象 overcome differences and seek common ground 求同存异 subscribe …

seek common ground while shelving differences

CATTI笔... ... 强权外交 power diplomacy 求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences 外交庇护 diplomatic asylu…

seek common ground while putting aside differences

UNIT&n... ... Mutual respect 相互尊重 Seek common ground while putting aside differences 求同存异 A joint effort 共同努力 ...
