
  • 网络Do; to do; have sb. do




人教版新目标九年级英... ... take off / put on 脱掉 穿上 脱掉\穿上 41 make sb./sth. Do 使做 2 lead sb. to do 引导做某事 35 ...

to do

unit 1 必修1 词法复习... ... {get +○+ to do 使……做……} 9 with the purpose of doing 7.dare vt./ vi. Aux. 敢;胆敢 用法拓展…

have sb. do

高考词组全表(第一部分) ... have one’s own way 自有一套办法 have sb. do sth, 使…做… have sports 参加体育运动 ...

get sb. to do

8年级下英语复习要点 ... 2. ①get sb. to do使……做(以人为对象时,有“说服……使做……”的含义) ②ask sb. to do… 邀 …


高三毕业班英语温书材料 ... make good/full use of 充分/好好利用 make…do sth. 使…做… make…done 使…被… ...

cause sb. to do

高一词汇复习 ... 18. go for 喜欢 19. cause sb. to do sth. 使…做… 20. from one generation to another 世代相传 ...

send sb doing

人教版 高三复习Book2 Unit 1... ... send sb to do sth 派…去做… send sb doing sth 使…做(变得) look sb in the face 直视某 …
