
  • na.circulate erroneous reports
  • 网络incorrectly relay an erroneous message; transmit errors; her version of the story



incorrectly relay an erroneous message

relay... ... in relays 轮班 incorrectly relay an erroneous message 以讹传讹 independent time lag relay 定时限继电器 ...

transmit errors

包含 传 的词语 |... ... ◆ 遗传学[ heredity genetics ] ◆ 以讹传讹[ transmit errors ] ◆ 异花传粉[ cross-pollination ] ...

her version of the story

迷走叶_新浪博客 ... 民族凝聚力: National Cohesion 以讹传讹her version of the story 可转换债券: convertible bond ...


在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典,专业词典,在... ... 以讹传讹Lunyu 以......为龙头: with...as the leading role ...

perpetual misrepresentation

...indedness)荒诞不经(absurdity)以讹传讹perpetual misrepresentation)不知疲倦地自相矛盾(indefatigable self-contrad…

Repeated the baseless assertion

可是关于(On)那个东西确切是以讹传讹(Repeated the baseless assertion)。不管什么条件下,仔细刷牙,特别是晚上。

not sure if I have the correct characters.

以讹传讹 (? not sure if I have the correct characters.)Better light a candle than to curse the darkness..
