
  • na.the five forms of punishment in ancient China
  • 网络five punishments; Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments; the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China



five punishments

... five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat 红星; 红星 five punishments 五刑 five rings 五环; 五环 ...

Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments

... 纪孝行 - An Orderly Description of the Acts of Filial Piety 五刑 - Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments ...

the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China

... ◎ 五刑[ the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China] ◎ 五言诗[ a poem with five characters to a line] ...

Five Pains

他的发明是“五刑”(Five Pains)就是割掉鼻子和砍掉四肢。后来他犯了事被使以五刑。

ngũ hình

19. 五刑 (ngũ hình) (Năm hình phạt): Năm cách trừng phạt kẻ có tội thời trước, gồm tội chết, tội đi đày suốt đời, tội đi đà...
