美 [hoʊm]英 [həʊm]
  • n.家;家庭;家乡;住宅
  • v.回家;居住;(飞机)归航;【火箭】(自动)导航
  • adv.在家;到家;向家;到正确的位置
  • adj.家的;家庭的;在家里做的;家用的
  • 网络首页;主页;网站首页

复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed



房子等house, etc.

1.[c][u]家;住所the house or flat/apartment that you live in, especially with your family

2.[c](可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所a house or flat/apartment, etc., when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold


3.[c][u]家乡;故乡;定居地the town, district, country, etc. that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to


4.[c]家庭used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves

老年人;孩子for old people/children

5.[c]养老院;养育院a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others

宠物for pets

6.[c]收养所a place where pets with no owner are taken care of

动植物of plant/animal

7.[sing][u]生息地;栖息地;产地the place where a plant or animal usually lives; the place where sb/sth can be found

发祥地where sth first done

8.[sing]the ~ of sth发源地;发祥地the place where sth was first discovered, made or invented


at home

在家里in a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc.

away from home

离开家away from a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc.

a home from home

像家一样舒适自在的地方a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as if you were in your own home

home is where the heart is

家乃心之所系a home is where the people you love are

home sweet home

可爱的家;家总是家(有时有反讽意思,指并不愉快)used to say how pleasant your home is (especially when you really mean that it is not pleasant at all)

set up home

(尤指夫妇)建立家庭,成家(used especially about a couple) to start living in a new place

when hes, its, etc. at home

(加强疑问语气)到底,究竟used to emphasize a question about sb/sth


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