
  • na.【中医】fungal infection of the hand
  • 网络tinea manuum; Liriodendron wind; fungal infection of hand



tinea manuum

acupuncture ... [白秃疮] tinea blanca 111.2 [鹅掌风] tinea manuum 110.2 [脚湿气] tinea pedis 110.4 ...

fungal infection of the hand

风用英语怎么说_百度知道 ... epilepsy; 羊痫风 fungal infection of the hand; 鹅掌风 Feng Huzi 风胡子 ...

Liriodendron wind

...Flavescens)、枯矾(Dry alum)、鹅掌风Liriodendron wind)、丁香(Cloves)、苍术(Herb)、霍香(Agastache)、 …

fungal infection of hand

专业词汇在线... ... 鹅掌风 fungal infectin of the hand 鹅掌风 fungal infection of hand 手癣 fungal infection of the hand ...

fungus infection on the hand and foot

专业词汇... ... 唇菌 fungid new growth on the lips 鹅掌风 fungus infection on the hand and foot 精索突出 funicular hernia ...

Fungus infectino of the hand and foot

专业词汇在线翻译、医学... ... 满则泻之 Fullness should be relieved 鹅掌风 Fungus infectino of the hand and foot 府舍 Fushe ...

fungal infectin of the hand

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 鹅掌风 fungal infectin of the hand 鹅掌风 fungal infection of hand ...

goose-skined palm

鹅掌风(goose-skined palm),发生于手掌面的癣菌感染性皮肤病。因手掌粗糙开裂如鹅掌,故名。
