
  • na.shut one's door and reflect on one's misdeeds
  • 网络meditate on one' s own faults behind closed doors; Shut oneself and ponder over one’s mistakes; to meditate upon one's faults in seclusion



meditate on one' s own faults behind closed doors

Shut oneself and ponder over one’s mistakes

to meditate upon one's faults in seclusion

查了字... ... 将心上人比作太阳 to compare one's sweetheart to the sun 闭门思过 to meditate upon one's faults in seclusion ...

meditate on one's own

... (美帝)必败! Defeat to US imperialism! 闭门思过 meditate on one's own 闭门造车 work on some project without referenc…

shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes

codeembed.com -... ... 蓖麻籽 蓖麻籽/ castor beans/ 闭门思过 闭门思过/ shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes/ ...

scheme edit

闭门思过(scheme edit),经过一个星期的计划,独孤九剑的级别也由原

Whataya Want From Me

Kin-yung says 闭门思过Whataya Want From Me !)(第二日,又乱购物了!)[挖鼻屎][挖鼻屎] (Pic)
