
  • na.far inferior to
  • 网络not nearly; nowhere near; nothing near so



not nearly

考博英语词汇 ... no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 not nearly 远非;远不及;相差很远 now that 既然 ...

nowhere near

nowhere ... get nowhere 一事无成, 毫无进展 nowhere near 差得远; 远不及 adv. 无处, 到处都无 ...

nothing near so

have nothing to do with ... nothing near so 远不及, 差得远 nothing of the kind 决不是那样, 一点也不是, 决不是那么一回事 ...

far inferior to

远 - 搜搜百科 ... [remote ancestor] 远代的祖先 far inferior to; 远不及 far exceed; 远远超过 ...

not by a long sight

英语单词at first... ... make a sight of oneself 故意使人注意; 出洋相 not by a long sight 远不及 out of sight (1)看不见 ...

far less

Fewer和 less的区别_百度知道 ... less and less 越来越少;越来越少的 far less 远不及 less likely 最不可能的是;较少可能 ...
