
  • n.ship handling; ship maneuvering
  • 网络Ship Controling; Ship Controlling; Lesson Sixteen Ship Manoeuvering



ship handling

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(S) ... ship handling tug 港作拖船 ship handling 船舶操纵 ship heading line 首向标志线 ...

ship maneuvering

机械英汉词典... ... ship maneuverability 船舶操纵性 ship maneuvering 船舶操纵 ship mechanical noise 船舶机械噪声 ...

Ship Controling

成绩单课程翻... ... 传坳概论 Introduction to Pass Col 船舶操纵 Ship Controling 船舶电力系统 Ship Electrical Power System ...

Ship Controlling

大学课程中英文对照大学课... ... 传热学 Heat Transfer 船舶操纵 Ship Controlling 船舶电力系统 Ship Electrical Power System ...

Lesson Sixteen Ship Manoeuvering

船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 -... ... lesson sixteen ship manoeuvering 船舶操纵 lesson seventeen distress signals 遇险信号 ...

manoeuvre of ship

航海及海... ... manoeuvre for man overboard 救助落水人员操纵 manoeuvre of ship 船舶操纵 manoeuvre with tugs 拖船协助操 …

Ship Manoeuvring and Handling

... 结绳 Knots and Ropework 船舶操纵 Ship Manoeuvring and Handling 船舶构造 Construction of Ship ...

Operative ship handing

转 标准海事通信用语 - 豆丁网 ... Close up on…/drop back from… 靠近…/离开… Operative ship handing 船舶操纵 ...
