
  • na.be deficient in capital
  • 网络Underfunded; lack of capital; lack of funds




裂缝显现…_孤独求译... ... Pork barrel: 民心拨款(带有政治倾向性的拨款) Underfunded: 缺乏资金 Brawl over: 争执于某事 ...

be deficient in capital

缺乏金... ... ) lack of cash 缺乏现金 ) be deficient in capital 缺乏资金 ) They stood in the need of funds. 他们缺乏资金。 ...

lack of capital

会计词汇D ... Lack 缺乏 lack of capital 缺乏资金 lack of labor 劳动力缺乏 ...

lack of funds

沪江博客 - Fire is flying ... due to: 由于。 lack of funds: 缺乏资金。 repainting: 重新粉刷。 ...

no fund

贸易用语专辑-市场用语 ... N/E = n. e. = not enough 不够 N. F. = no fund 缺乏资金 No. = number 编号 ...

Lack of Financing

译言网 |... ... Market Uncertainty 市场不确定性 Lack of Financing 缺乏资金 The Burden of Regulation 制度的重压 ...

shortage of funds

... It must be admitted that 必须的承认 shortage of funds 缺乏资金 the one of the biggest questions 最大的问题之一 ...
