
  • 网络meet each other half way; we apologized and then we compromised; make each other half way



meet each other half way

走自己的路,让别人去说吧!! ... )lose one's train of 忘记 )meet each other half way 相互妥协,让步 )on the dot 准时;正点 ...

we apologized and then we compromised

... we apologized and then we compromised 我们相互道歉,相互妥协 and we've haven't argued since 从那以后,我们在没有 …

make each other half way

有关英语的短语和单词 - Disappear ‘℡... ... make ends meet 收支平衡 make each other half way 相互妥协 make sense 有意义 ...

Reciprocal Arrangement

...ss) 训练目 标(Training aids) 相互妥协(Reciprocal Arrangement) 表 3.
