
  • na.〈书〉in former days [times]; yore
  • 网络in former times; in olden days; in days of old




《Friends》词汇表B ... bastards n. 私生子 yore n. <书>往昔, 昔时 yesteryear n. 去年, 不久以前 ...

in former times

Sinograma « 时 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 往时[ in the past] 昔时[ in former times] 闲时[ leisure] ...

in olden days

决不 的英文翻译 ... in office 在职 当权 in olden days 昔时, 从前, 过去 in on 参加, 参与 ...

in days of old

the other... ... in days gone by 往日, 从前 in days of old 古代, 昔时, 从前 in days of yore 古代, 昔时, 从前 ...

in days of yore

the... ... in days of old 古代, 昔时, 从前 in days of yore 古代, 昔时, 从前 in one's day (在某人)年轻时, 在旺盛的时候 ...
