
  • 网络gather crops; get in; gather in the harvest



gather crops

新概念英语第二册第9课【课文讲解】 ... gather one's brows 皱眉 gather crops 收庄稼 refuse 拒绝 ...

get in

09届高考英语考前知识清理2_高考英语 ... get hold of 抓住,找到 get in 收庄稼 get in touch with 和...联系 ...

gather in the harvest

牛津大学英... ... crop obtained 收成; 收获量: gather in the harvest 收庄稼 * a succession of good harvests 连续的好收成 * ...

Gather in

... 2. To gather or be gathered into a mass. (被)聚成团、块或堆 3. Gather in 收获,收庄稼 4. Gather to 把(人或物)朝……

Get in the crops

高中英语语法 动词短语小结_爱学啦 ... get over 恢服,克服(症病,惊讶,损失等) Get in the crops 收庄稼 vi. =become 变得 ...

d bringing it in

新概念二76课课后练习答案... ... c collecting it 收集(资料) d bringing it in 收庄稼 A charged with 指控 装 ...
