
  • na.carry on the past heritage and open up the future
  • 网络inherit the past and usher in the future; The Legacy Continues; a link between the past and the future



inherit the past and usher in the future

The Legacy Continues

新浪上... ... - 迪斯尼图画簿( Disney Sketch Pad) - 承先启后( The Legacy Continues) - 看卡通学知识( Bambi's Trivia Tracks) ...

a link between the past and the future

Heritage of Good

...式型(Ritual) 象征、标志(Symbol) 承先启后(Heritage of Good) 冷冷的傲气 归属感(Belonging) 传说 品牌个性的好处 ? Aaker(1…

The Heritage of Good

(3) 承先启后 (The Heritage of Good)

inherited and passed down

文化不仅分享而且也能继往开来、承先启后(inherited and passed down),使得族群成员朝向所设定的态度学习行为准则与人际 …
