- na.as though Heaven and Earth had fallen
- 网络ch; natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides; the world wags on

C.淋漓(lín) 校戡(jiào) 天崩地坼(chè) 称心如意(chèn) D.扒手(pá) 豁达(huò) 如火如荼(tú) 悄声细语(qiā…
as though Heaven and Earth had fallen
natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides
Character - Chinese... ... 四川盆地[ Sichuan Basin] 天崩地坼[ natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides] ...
the world wags on
小熊... ... what is a maid? ice and desire. 何为少女?外冷内热。 the world wags on. 天崩地坼。 a rose will bloom. 玫瑰花开。 ...
B.趑趄(jū) 荆杞(qī) 嗟来之食(jiē) 天崩地坼(chāi) C.伉俪(kàng) 崔嵬(wěi) 扪心自问(mén) 妍媸毕露(chī) D.咨询(zī) 羞赧(nǎn…