
  • na.make enough money to cover the cost
  • 网络to manage to break even; kaopurn; make enough money to cover the cost break even



make enough money to cover the cost

Charact... ... 够损的 gòu sǔn de ( 够本 )[ make enough money to cover the cost;break even] ( 够格 )[ qualified;competent] ...

to manage to break even

'even break'的翻译、'even... ... to manage to break even 够本 chart for break even analysis 保本分析图 ...


基准台语语辞 辞典 ... kaophaix 教派 kaopurn 够本 khawpeh 口白 ...

make enough money to cover the cost break even

包含 本 的词语 | 常用词典 ... ... ◆ 工本[ cost of production ] ◆ 够本[ make enough money to cover the cost break even ] ...

to get one's money's worth

什么意思_英语money's... ... get one's money's worth 花钱合算 ; 钱花得值 to get one's money's worth 够本 ...
