
  • na.sit and watch the result of the battle
  • 网络wait to see what will come of another’s venture; look on coldly; to sit on the fence



wait to see what will come of another’s venture

“坐”字的... ... 坐势[ seat] 坐观成败[ wait to see what will come of another’s venture; look on coldly;be a mere onlooker] ...

look on coldly

... 成语 冷嘲热讽 with biting sarcasm 成语 坐观成败 look on coldly 成语 借古讽今 use the past to disparage the present ...

to sit on the fence

坐失机宜 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 坐飞机 to catch a plane 坐观成败 to sit on the fence; 坐果 to bear fruit ...

Sitting on to watch which side wins or loses

Be A Mere Onlooker

什么意思_英语onlooker在线翻译_有道词典... ... bystander onlooker 观潮派 Be A Mere Onlooker 坐观成败 ...


自暴自弃 | 用成语自暴自弃玩成语接龙 -... ... 专横跋扈 zhuān hèng bá hù 坐观成败 zuò guān chéng bài 坐立不安 zuò lì bù ān ...

zu guān chng bi

[坐观成败](zu guān chng bi ) [坐观成败是什么意思]坐着看斗争的各方的胜败。形容只在旁边观看,不插手到当事人之间。
