- na.sleep in one's clothes
- 网络sleep with one's clothes on; sleep without undressing; He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.

sleep with one's clothes on
Learning Chinese - Sourcing from China ... 和衣而卧 sleep with one's clothes on 我的爸爸和我的叔叔 my father and my uncle ...
sleep without undressing
undressing是什么意思... ... And Then Began Undressing : 然后开始脱衣服 sleep without undressing : 和衣而卧 ...
sleep in one's clothes
和_英文_英语_和用英语怎么说_翻译... ... 3. [数] (和数) sum sleep with one's clothes on;sleep in one's clothes 和衣而卧 ...
He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.
hé h
...,老桥,你知 吧?你把 ,你弓着腰, zhuàn)和衣而卧(hé hè) ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ,在这涧水上 , 岁月悠悠,波光 …