- na.Nine houses out of ten are deserted - a scene of desolation after a plague [war] when the population is decimated.
- 网络nine houses out of ten are deserted; almost all houses empty after the raid; cykhck

nine houses out of ten are deserted
Character... ... 十室九空[ nine houses out of ten are deserted;almost all houses empty after the raid] 空白[ blank space] ...
almost all houses empty after the raid
"... ... ◎ 十室九空[ nine houses out of ten are deserted;almost all houses empty after the raid] ◎ 十四行诗[ sonnet] ...
11.成个iq商埸, 得番drew少未结业 - 十室九空 (cykhck)12.生毛狗 - 九牛一毛 (Deep V)14.puzzle - 缺一不可 (Deep V) / 七并八凑 …