- 网络Chronicle of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs; Complete chronicle of Buddhism; The General Records of the Founders of Buddhism

Chronicle of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs
常用佛教名词... ... Chronicle of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs 佛祖统纪 Commentary on the Lankavatara-sutra 入楞伽心玄义 ...
Complete chronicle of Buddhism
“Fozu tongji” 佛祖统纪 (Complete chronicle of Buddhism). In Takakusu Junjirō and Watanabe Kaikyoku. 1922–1935.
The General Records of the Founders of Buddhism
...st chronicle Fozu tongji 佛祖统纪 (The General Records of the Founders of Buddhism), dated 1270, the map shows the blend...