
  • na.head of a delegation
  • 网络head of delegation; chief of delegation; Chef de Mission



head of delegation

商务会议英语常见术语 ... full-fledged member 全权代表 head of delegation 代表团团长 permanent delegate 常驻代表 ...

head of a delegation

口译英语分类词汇大全—会议讲话 ... 常驻代表 permanent delegate 代表团团长 head of a delegation 当然会员 member as of ri…

chief of delegation

chief ... supply chief 司务长 chief of delegation 代表团团长 chief of finance 财务处长 ...

Chef de Mission

Appendix 1: Basic Olympic Terminology... ... candidate city 候选城市 Chef de Mission 代表团团长 Closing ceremony 闭幕式 ...


21.1.1 代表团团长(DELEGATION LEADER) 由总会或属会为每个赛事委任一名化表团团长,负责处理參赛之代表团。 21.1.2 …

the head of a delegation

head是什么意思... ... the head of the government 政府首脑 the head of a delegation 代表团团长 the head of a hammer 锤子头 ...

chairman of the delegation

口译词汇集锦(来自联合国译员) ... *chairman of the delegation 代表团团长 *chairman-rapporteur 主席兼报告员 ...

delegation head

Olympic Summer Sports... ... degree of difficulty 难度系数 delegation head 代表团团长 difference between scores 分差 ...
